
Terrible poll for Biden

The NY Times published a poll done by Sienna (top rated polling company) in six battleground states. They showed Biden behind in five of the six states by margins ranging from 2% to 14%. It’s only one set of polls, but the demographic breakdowns are what is fascinating. This is Trump’s lead over Biden in […]

Terrible poll for Biden

Biden’s Voldemortian Theory of Privilege: The President Whose Voice Must Not Be Heard

Below is my column in The Hill on the curious claim of executive privilege over the audiotape from President Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.  It is the first time that I know of where the content of a presidential conversation was treated as unprivileged but not audio of the conversation claimed as […]

Biden’s Voldemortian Theory of Privilege: The President Whose Voice Must Not Be Heard

There is still reason to hope despite the fact that more than three-quarters of Americans say the United States is headed in the wrong direction

See The Case for Hope by Nicholas Kristof of The NY Times. Excerpts:”whenever I hear that America has never been such a mess or so divided, I think not just of the Civil War but of my own childhood: the assassinations of the 1960s; the riots; the murders of civil rights workers; the curses directed at…

There is still reason to hope despite the fact that more than three-quarters of Americans say the United States is headed in the wrong direction

Claude 3 on why the US leads China and the EU in economic dynamism

QUESTION TO CLAUDE 3:  The EU and China lag behind the US in economic dynamism, measured by start-up activity, number of unicorns, age of unicorns (younger indicates more rapid innovation), and in productivity growth. Can you document this and tell me why?ANSWER:  Here is the data to document the economic dynamism gap between the US,…

Claude 3 on why the US leads China and the EU in economic dynamism

Electric Van Sales In Decline

By Paul Homewood     LCV Registrations Whilst EV car sales remain sluggish, the market for electric vans is even worse. The government’s ZEV mandate demands that 10% of van sales are electric this year, and this figure rises rapidly in the next few years. However sales of the useless things gave actually […]

Electric Van Sales In Decline

Why prediction markets are not popular

By Nick Whitaker and J. Zachary Mazlish, this is the best piece on this question so far.  Excerpt, noting I will not double indent: “Rather than regulation, our explanation for the absence of widespread prediction markets is a straightforward demand-side story: there is little natural demand for prediction market contracts, as we observe in practice. […]

Why prediction markets are not popular

Mercedes and Volkswagen DITCH their EV ambitions! | MGUY Australia

Volkswagen and Mercedes aren’t the first automakers to get cold feet over their earlier ludicrous electrification promises in the face of clear market apathy, but we can be 100% sure of one thing: they won’t be the last.

Mercedes and Volkswagen DITCH their EV ambitions! | MGUY Australia

OneNews blames immigration to NZ for emigration (of young Kiwis out of NZ). Maybe they’re leaving because our Media has depressed them?

If a Blogger accused immigrants of nicking houses & jobs off young native NZ’ers, causing them to leave the country, then we’d likely be prosecuted under anti-freedom of speech legislation. But seems our State-owned broadcaster, OneNews, can get away with it. After all, like the Reserve Bank, TVNZ can do what it wants. Its above…

OneNews blames immigration to NZ for emigration (of young Kiwis out of NZ). Maybe they’re leaving because our Media has depressed them?

Chess Openings: Learn to Play the Nimzo-Indian Defense!


It’s been awhile since I have written. I have tried. But I have not had anything useful to say.  My concern has always been public policy. What should the government do for the best result?   My writing on the government was technical. Here’s what the government is doing. Here’s what they hope to achieve. Here…


Goodbye zero emissions

New Paper: Global Warming Leading To HIMALAYAN COOLING, Preventing Glacial Melt!

At the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) YouTube account, the young EIKE climate lady delivers the latest climate video, focusing on the Himalayas, which, as some of you may recall, would go ice-free by 2030, according to Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber. The video features a paper by Salerno et al, 2023: “Local cooling and…

New Paper: Global Warming Leading To HIMALAYAN COOLING, Preventing Glacial Melt!

TVNZ hīkoi documentary needs a sequel

Graham Adams writes that 20 years after the land march, judges are quietly awarding a swathe of coastal rights to iwi. Early this month, an hour-long documentary was released by TVNZ to mark the 20th anniversary of the land-rights march to oppose Helen Clark’s Foreshore and Seabed Act. The account of 2004’s hīkoi from Cape […]

TVNZ hīkoi documentary needs a sequel

Debunking Bad Class Warfare and Debunking Nonsensical Class Warfare

Like Thomas Piketty, Gabriel Zucman is a French economist who promotes economically destructive class-warfare tax policy. He’s also infamous for dodgy data manipulation, as Phil Magness explains in this Reason discussion. The interview lasts for 64 minutes, and I recommend the entire discussion. Yes, that’s a lot of time, but Phil has encyclopedic knowledge and […]

Debunking Bad Class Warfare and Debunking Nonsensical Class Warfare

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Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Offsetting Behaviour

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Res ipsa loquitur - The thing itself speaks

Conversable Economist

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Small Steps Toward A Much Better World


“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.


The truth about the great wind power fraud - we're not here to debate the wind industry, we're here to destroy it.

Trust, yet verify

Searching for the missing pieces of climate change communication